Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We set off in the dark
Litchfield National Park 
Mark has done a fair bit of reading about this place in many of his 4 x 4 books
Apparently Litchfield is the pick of the national Parks up here,
with many saying that Kakadu is over rated?
We will do Kakadu while we are here in the top end
as it is one of those have to do places
even if some say....
Kakadu ~~~ Kakadont
We will just have to wait & find out for ourselves!
With the picnic basket packed, & our camping gear
(which lives in the truck) containing
everything else needed to make a scrumptious lunch!
 We are organised!
Litchfield is about a 100 odd kms south from Darwin....
Hahahah...Oh der!!!
 Well it could not be north or we would be going by boat!!
You can swim at the many waterfalls & water holes @ Litchfield,
apparently it is safe from Crocs?
Don't know about that somehow......
 Last week we heard on the news how rangers had captured a
rogue croc in one of the water holes there!

I think that i may pass! 
It is the dry season & all the fire danger rating signs along the side of the road
point to very high fire danger! 
 Evident as we continue driving, that there has been a lot of back burning going on!
Strange how winter here, is the bush fire season!
We arrived & first stop 
Magnetic Termite Mounds

Hey now, if you have seen one termite mound you have seen em all, so we thought?
Well maybe not...

This is big!!!!
Imagine the millions of destructive
little critters, which call this thing home!

Next stop is
Buley Water Hole

So pretty it is, with the water flowing down the rocks
 into this crystal clear & very inviting deep
 swimming pool at the bottom!
 Lot's of couples were taking the plunge, it did look like it would be croc safe,
mainly, because of all the rocks!...Apparently crocs don't like rocks!
Darwin's top temps today are only going to reach
25 degrees!
It is about 9am & it is still a tad bit fresh so, 
we both opted against going in for a dip just yet!
Hopefully it will warm up by the time we make our way around the many
 waterfalls & waterholes!

On our way around we saw a 4 x 4 campground, we deetoured for a look,.
Just in case we decide to come back & pitch
the tent & enjoy a little camping holiday!

We had a chat with some of the happy campers around the sites,
they gave us the gos on a few waterholes!!!
Swimming spots that is.....Where we could swim alone without all the hoards
of the many tour bus people that come through here regularly!

Now....We need to hurry
 so as we beat
 that mob in the bus to the next spot!!!!!

We feel we will
definitely be coming back to camp here & enjoy a little bit of 
R & R for a week or two, in the near future!
Well we made it down this 4 x 4 track without unlocking the hubs or letting down the tyres
but.....we need them unlocked now to get back up!
With the sign telling us what to do.....
 That is exactly what we did!!!

Back to the beauty of this National Park,
 sees us @ Florence Falls 
Say that 10 times quickly....
Florence Falls!
Florence Flalls!
Florence Flalls!
Ha ha ha ha!
Oh poor me....Small things do amuse my small mind
Husbands smaller mind laughed on!!

Now seeing as the lookout is only 120 metres away we set off eagerly!

 That is a one big waterfall!

Further down the track & there in front of us is the beginning
of the 135 steps
which lead down to the pool below!

I am going, i energetically proclaim!

No way I'm not, i am going back to the car.
Say's.....Sooky Bum Husband
Oh don't be so ridiculous you lazy old man!

As we kept walking, we passed a few people on their way back.

Well worth it once you get down there
but the walk back up the lady informed us is..... Quote

Keep coming old boy, this is a once in a life time opportunity
 plus we need the exercise & at the same time work up an appetite for lunch!!!

Once down the bottom & well pictures tell a thousand words!
 Very Very Pretty!

After surviving that without falling in,
it is now time to embark on our expedition back up the
135 stairs & yep, let us tell you, 
the lady was right!!!!

From there we drove around to Wangi  Falls.....
We decided to have lunch first, as we were both starving &
had definitely worked up our appetites!

 So in the car park we made lunch & enjoyed a cuppa!

With our big fat bellies now full
 we waddled off to see yet another waterfall!
This one is suppose to be the best?

There is a big salt water croc stuck in the pool!
Glad i already made up my mind that i would not be doing any swimming!!!!
Wangi falls is really stunning!
 Such a shame that bloody croc was in there somewhere
because the water did look very inviting!
                                           Time to do some croc spotting.......I feel!
Mark was ready to leave after about 20 minutes of being there ....Not me
I was so mesmerised by the beauty of 
Wangi Falls
I could of stood there all day quite happily just staring out!

Time to set off for home now, along the way we made one last stop off
Greenant Creek
A pretty little creek!

both mark & I said.........
So where are the green ants?
We did end up spotting their nest up a tree!
These things are a real pain in the bum for those who don't know!
They pack a terrible sting & come in millions!
Back in cairns we had them every where, all over the van & ground
Our neighbours over the road had a solution to the problem
firstly find the nest, then wrap tape around the trunk near the top & smear with Vaseline....The poor little critters can't get back down & end up dying up the tree!
Some say their bums are a delicacy!
It would take a lot of those tiny little bums to
make a decent meal
I feel!!

As we were walking back up the track,
I got the shock of my life as this gold coloured black headed long snake
 slithered not two feet in front of me as it crossed the path we were on!
OMG.......I still have Goosebumps!!!~!
It was so quick & of course i was in too much shock to take a photo,
 when i did get the camera ready it was gone way out of sight!
I said to Mark did you see that?
 He did but he only saw the tail end of it!

Oh well!!!
 That was a bit of excitement my poor dodgy heart could of done without!!!
A tour guide came past & i asked him if he sees many snakes on his walks ...
Yeah!.... Heaps!
I told him my story, & he quickly identified the culprit......
 Oh, that would be the
Olive Headed Tree Python!
Harmless he goes on to tell me, their fangs are way @ the back of their mouth
 so you would have to stick your finger down its throat before it could bite you &
even then you would still be ok?
Oh well that is good to know!

Obviously, they don't hibernate up here in the top end!!!!
As far as i am concerned though,
 a snake is a snake
 I don't like them, especially that close!

Seriously though, how stupid are we.....
Always in thongs & never do we take our 
U beaut snake survival kit with us,
sometimes we even go without
water or phone!
We are not true bush walking people....
Just clayton ones, who so far on our trip
have been very lucky!!!

Good to know, we will definitely be ok
Only The Good Die Young!

Funny once you get in the outback, anything to do with rocks or waterfalls become
 the star attraction!.....I suppose like over on the coast, the beaches take centre stage!
We like the beaches better!
Even if there are no fish for our taking.... Haha! 
We just love the atmosphere!
It feels so healthy to get out in the sunshine, to feel of the sand swishing
through your toes & the salt water lapping at your feet!
Are we getting home sick???
Till Next Time
Cheers From Us!

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